Gojira Fine Chemicals LLC is an ISO 9001:2015 certified supplier of chemical raw materials for the life sciences, pharma, biotech, healthcare, personal care, diagnostics, veterinary, and agro-bio industries. Our quality products & services are meeting most difficult customer specifications.
Stains & Dyes
Acid Blue 9
Acid Blue 29, CI#20460
Acid Blue 40, CI#62125
Acid Blue 45, CI#63010
Acid Green 25, CI# 61570
Acid Violet 17, CI#42650
Acridine Orange Base CI#46005
Acridine Orange HCL CI#46005
Acridine Orange, CI#46005
Acridine Yellow G CI#46025
Acriflavine hydrochloride
Acriflavine Neutral CI#46000
Alician Blue 8GX Certified CI#74240
Alician Yellow, CI#12840
Alizarin Red S CI#58005
Alizarin Yellow GG CI#14025
Alizarin Yellow R Sodium Salt CI#14095
Alizarin Yellow R CI#14030
Alizarin, CI#58000
Alkali Blue 6B, CI#42750
Allura Red CI#16035
Amaranth CI#16185
Amido Black 10B CI#20470
Aniline Blue W/S Certified CI#42780
Astra Blue 6GLL
Auramine O Certified
Azure A Certified CI#52005
Azure B(Azure 1), CI#52010
Azure C
Azure II
Azure II Eosinate
Benzopurpurin 4B, CI#23500
Biebrich Scarlet, CI#26905
Bismark Brown R, CI#21010
Bismark Brown Y Certified, CI#21000
Brilliant Black BN, CL#28440
Brilliant Blue G250, CI#42655
Brilliant Blue R250, CI#42660
Brilliant Cresyl Blue Certified, CI#51010
Brilliant Green Certified, CI#42040
Brilliant Yellow, CI#24890
Brilliant Sulfaflavine
Bromocresol Green Free Acid ACS
Bromocresol Green Sodium Salt ACS
Bromocresol Purple Free Acid ACS
Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt ACS
Bromophenol Blue Free Acid ACS
Bromophenol Blue Sodium Salt ACS
Bromothymol Blue Free Acid ACS
Bromothymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS
Carmine Certified, CI#75470
Carminic Acid 50%, CI#75470
Carminic Acid 95%, CI#75470
Celestine Blue, CI#51050
Chicago Sky Blue 6B, CI#24410
Chlorazol Black E, CI#30235
Chocolate Brown HT, CI#20285
Chrome Azurol S, CI#43825
Chromotrope 2B, CI#16575
Chromotrope 2R, CI#16570
Chromotrope FB, CI#14720
Chrysophenine, CI#24895
Congo Red Certified
Cotton Blue, CI#42780
Cresyl Violet Acetate Certified
Crocein Orange G, CI#15970
Crocein Scarlet 7B (Acid Red 71), CI#21765
Crystal Scarlet, CI#16250
Crystal Violet Certified
Crystal Violet Lactone
Curcumin, CI#75300
4,5-Dibromofluorescein, CI#45370.1
2,7-Dichlorofluorescein ACS
2,6-Dichloroindophenol Sodium Salt ACS
Diethyl Safranine, CI#50206
N,N-Diethyl Safranine, CI#50206
Direct Blue 71, CI#34140
Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline
Eosin B Spirit Soluble, CI#45400
Eosin B Certified, CI#45400
Eosin Y Certified, CI#45380
Eosin Y Free Acid, CI#45380:2
Eriochrome Black T ACS, CI#14645
Eriochrome Blue Black B, CI#14640
Eriochrome Blue Black R, CI#15705
Eriochrome Cyanine R, CI#43820
Erioglaucine, CI#42090
Erythrosin B Spirit Soluble, CI#45430:2
Erythrosin B Certified, CI#45430
Ethyl Eosin Certifiable, CI#45386
Ethyl Violet, CI#42600
Evans Blue, CI#23860
Fast Corinth V Zinc Chloride Double Salt
Fast Garnet GBC Base, CI#11160
Fast Green F.C.F Certified
Fast Sulphon Black F, CI#26990
Fat Brown RR, CI#11285
Field Stain A
Field Stain B
FD&C Red
Flavianic Acid Hydrate
Fluorescein Diacetate CI#45330:1
Fluorescein Free Acid, CI#45350:1
Fluorescein W/S CI#45350
Fuchsin Acid Calcium Salt Certifiable
Fuchsin Acid Certified, CI#42685
Fuchsin Basic Certified, CI#42510
Gallocyanine, CI#51030
Gentian Violet USP, CI#51030
Giemsa Stain Certified, CI#42555
Guinea Green B, CI#42085
Hematoxylin, CI#75290
1-Heptanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC
1-Heptanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 Hydrate HPLC
1-Hexanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt Anhydrous HPLC
1-Hexanesulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 1 Hydrate HPLC
Hydroxy Naphthol Blue ACS
Indigo Carmine Certified, CI#73015
Indigo Synthetic, CI#73000
Indocyanine Green
p-Iodonitrotetrazolium Violet (INT)
Janus Black, CI#11825
Janus Green B Certified, CI#11050
Jenner Stain Certified
Leishman Stain
Leuco Crystal Violet
Light Green S.F. Certified
Lissamine Green B, CI#44090
Luxol Fast Blue MBSN, CI#74180
Malachite Green HCL
Malachite Green Oxalate, CI#42000
Martius Yellow, CI#10315
May-Grunwald Stain
Meldola’s Blue
Metanil Yellow, CI#13065
Methyl Blue
Methylene Blue Anhydrous, CI#52015
Methylene Blue Certified, CI#52015
Methyl Green Certified, CI#42590
Methylene Green , zinc chloride double salt, CI#52020
Methylene Violet 3RAX, CI#50206
Methyl Green, CI#42585
Methyl Orange ACS
Methyl Red Free Acid ACS
Methyl Red HCL ACS
Methyl Red Sodium Salt ACS
Methylthymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS
Methyl Violet 2B Certified, CI#42535
Murexide ACS
Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium (NB1001)
Naphthol Green B ACS, CI#10020
N-(10Naphthyl)ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride ACS
Neocuproine Hydrochloride Hydrate
Neutral Red Certified, CI#50040
Neutral Red, 90%, CI#50040
New Coccine, CI#16255
New Methylene Blue N Free Acid
New Methylene Blue N zinc chloride double salt, CI#52030
Nigrosin W/S, CI#50420
Nigrosin/Alcohol Soluble, CI#50415
Nile Blue A Certified, CI#51180
Nile Blue Chloride, CI#51180
Nile Red
Ninhydrin ACS
Nitrazine Yellow, CI#14890
p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate Disodium Salt Hexahydrate
Nuclear Fast Red, CI#60760
Oil Red O Certified, CI#26125
Orange II Certified, CI#15510
Orange IV, CI#13080
Orange G Certified
Orcein Synthetic Certified
Pararosaniline Acetate, CI#42500
Para Red , CI#12070
Pararosaniline Base, CI#42500
Pararosaniline HCL Certified, CI#42500
P.A.R. Free Acid ACS
P.A.R. Monosodium ACS
Patent Blue A, CI#42080
Patent Blue V , CI#42051
Phalloidin (Amanita phalloides)
Phenolphthalein White ACS
Phenol Red Free Acid ACS
Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS
Phenosafranine, CI#50200
4-Phenylazophenol, CI#11800
Phloxine B Certified, CI#45410
Pinacyanol Chloride
Ponceau 4R, CI#16255
Ponceau S Electrophoresis, CI#27195
Ponceau SX, CI#14700
Primuline, CI#49000
n'Propyl Red
Purpurin, CI#58205
Pyridoxine HCL USP/BP
Pyronin B, CI#45010
Pyronin Y Certified, CI#45005
Quercetin dihydrate, CI#75670
Quinoline Yellow Spirit Soluble, CI#47000
Quinoline Yellow W/S, CI# 47005
Reactive Blue 2, CI#61211
Reactive Blue 4, CI#61205
Reactive Red 4, CI#18105
Resazurin Sodium Certified
Resorcinol ACS
Rhodamine 6G, CI#45160
Rhodamine B Base, CI#45170:1
Rhodamine B CI# 45170
Rose Bengal Certified, CI#45440
Rosolic Acid, CI#43800
Saffron, CI#75100
Safranine O Certified, CI#50240
Sirius Red, CI# 35780
Solvent Red 27, CI#26125
Sudan Black B Certified, CI#26150
Sudan II, CI#12140
Sudan III Certified, CI#26100
Sudan IV Certified, CI#26105
Sudan Orange G, CI# 11920
Sudan Red 7B, CI#26050
Tartrazine CI# 19140
Tetrabromophenol Blue Sodium Salt
Tetranitroblue Tetrazolium Chloride
Tetrazolium Blue
Tetrazolium Violet
Thioflavin S, CI#49010
Thioflavin S, CI#49010
Thioflavine S, CI#49010
Thioflavin T, CI#49005
Thionin Acetate Certified, CI#52000
Thymol Blue Free Acid ACS
Thymol Blue Sodium Salt ACS
Thymolphthalein ACS
Titan Yellow CI#19540
Toluidine Blue O Certified, CI#52040
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride
Tropaeolin O, CI#14270
Trypan Blue, CI# 23850
Victoria Blue B, CI#44045
Victoria Blue R, CI#44040
Water Blue 1, CI#42755
Wrights Stain Certified
Xylene Cyanol FF, CI# 42135
Xylene Cyanol FF, CI# 43535
Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium Salt ACS
Xylidine Ponceau 2R, CI#16150
For research or further manufacturing. Not for drug, clinical or a food use in humans or animals.