Catalog #SD1002
Sodium Deoxycholate
CAS #302-95-4
Molecular Formula:
Molecular Weight: 414.55
SYNONYM(S): 12α-Dihydroxy-5β-cholanic acid sodium salt, 3α, 7-Deoxycholic acid sodium salt, Desoxycholic acid sodium salt 3α,12α-Dihydroxy-5β-cholanic acid sodium salt, 7-Deoxycholic acid sodium salt, Desoxycholic acid sodium salt

Product Characteristics
Supply Chain Control
Traceable To Distributor
Change Control All Changes
UN Number N/A
Class N/A
Packing Group N/A
Typical Packaging
Unless otherwise indicated, Gojira Fine Chemicals, LLC products are intended as raw ingredients for manufacturing and research use only, and are not for therapeutic or nutritional use in humans or non-research animals. It is the ultimate responsibility of the customer to determine if the particular product is fit for their intended purposes